
The Top Barbering Products Every Barber Should Invest In

A barber uses some of his top barbering tools on his client.
Barbering is a trade that requires commitment. It takes dedication and time to hone your craft and sharpen your skills. There is no question that pursuing your passion for barbering is a practice of patience and perseverance. 

Achieving your dream and becoming a successful barber is a testament to hard work and a level of investment most people will never realize.

In addition to the time and sweat equity you pour into your discipline, there is the financial factor. Barbering tools are a must, and the best are expensive. 

The upfront cost can be eye-opening, leaving you questioning whether or not they are worth the money. It’s important to shift your perspective by thinking of barbering products as investments in yourself, your business, and your future. Quality products might be expensive, but they will likely last you a lifetime.

The Top Products All Barbers Should Invest In 


When considering the products every barber should have, it’s best to consider what you use on a daily basis. Shears are one of the most used items a barber owns, and it’s vital to invest in a quality set. While it may seem absurd to invest hundreds of dollars into a single set of barbering shears (the dollar store sells scissors, right?), the design, sharpness, and longevity of great barbering scissors will give you an unbelievable return on investment as the years go by.


Barbering shears and clippers go hand-in-hand. Seldom will one be used without the other, making a high-quality pair worth the upfront cost. Barbering clippers are a must-have for many popular men’s haircuts, including the classic fade and its variation. Corded barber clippers are reliable and have been a staple in the barbering community for generations. Cordless clippers have come a long way in recent years but still require frequent charging. The type of business you run, including the clientele you service, will likely dictate which you opt for. Either way, be sure to invest in stellar barbering clippers–your business relies on them.

Barber Chair

All the haircutting talent in the world means very little if your clients have nowhere to sit. Barbering chairs are iconic for their unique design and uncompromising comfort. 

A good barbering chair will enhance your customers’ experiences while making your life easier. Don’t compromise on quality here–the better the chair, the longer it will last. 

From the cushioned surfaces to the adjustable features, high-quality barbering chairs will endure years (even decades) of heavy use.

Keep in mind that barbering chairs tend to be among the most expensive investments a barber will make. In this case, the upfront cost for a phenomenal chair from a reputable manufacturer is well worth the cost. Buy once, cry once–it will be worth it in the long run!

A client sits in his comfy barber chair, one of the must-have barbering products, as he gets his hair cut.

Straight Razor

A skilled barber wields a straight razor with deftness. Aside from the exceptionally close shave these timeless tools provide, they add to the barbering experience. There are few things more classic than a straight razor shave. In the right hands, they can also be used to create texture and crisp edges for certain men’s hairstyles.

A quality straight razor can be sharpened to a fine edge and retain that edge longer than a cheaper alternative. This can be the difference between a smooth, safe shave and a less-than-pleasant experience for the client. Bite the bullet and invest in one of the best straight razors you can.

Beard Products

Up to this point, every product we’ve mentioned has been focused on longevity. Investing in the products above is investing in your future. If you take care of them, they will take care of you for a lifetime.

The last products are equally as important but will require consistent investment. Beard products, including washes and oils. Beards may be composed of hair, but they are far different from the hair on our heads. As such, investing in specialized products to care for your clients’ beards shows you go above and beyond to give them the treatment and experience they deserve. Quality products make a difference, and your clients can tell.

Many of the products every barber should invest in have something in common–they’re expensive. Instead of letting the cost deter you, think of it as an opportunity to invest in high-quality, long-lasting products that will differentiate you from the crowd and facilitate your dreams for years to come.

If you are looking for a deal, keep in mind that many of the best barbering companies only offer discounts on special occasions. The time between Thanksgiving and the New Year is often the best time to buy, so keep your eyes open for deals and pounce when you find one.

For more barbering tips, tricks, and insider information, be sure to check out our blog and subscribe to the National Association of Barbers. These resources are entirely free and can give you the barbering insight you need to thrive. Consider them an investment in yourself via continued learning!