
How to Plan for a Successful 2022 As a Barber

The year is coming to an end—can you believe it?

It seems like just yesterday we were staring down at all the possibilities and potential 2021 was going to bring us, and now, we’re approaching a new year—fresh with even more possibility and potential.

Ask yourself, what was 2021 like for you? Did you find the success you were seeking? Did you hit some roadblocks along the way? No matter what 2021 looked like for you, the year is coming to a close, which means it’s time to re-focus, plan, and start thinking about what goals you’ll tackle in the upcoming year. 

So, we ask you—what are you hoping for in 2022?

And further, how exactly do you plan to get there?

If you’re ready to start planning for a successful 2022 but aren’t quite sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading for some helpful tips, insight, and advice for planning your most successful barbering year yet. 

Top Tips for Planning for a Successful 2022 as a Barber 

Reflect on 2021—What Can You Learn From It? 

Before we can press forward and tackle new goals, it’s important to do one thing—look backward. With this type of reflection on 2021, we can get a little introspective and offer ourselves some honest year-in-review feedback.

Did you accomplish what you set out to accomplish in 2021—why or why not? What stood in your way? What did you do that you didn’t think you ever could? Reflecting on 2021 as a whole can help us better understand how to improve our planning, our strategies, and our goal-making and goal reaching for 2022.

The only requirement for this type of reflection? Being honest. 

If you need perspective, try asking some of your barbering crew to brainstorm and reflect with you. It’s only with a clear picture of 2021—and honest feedback about what you did right and what you could have done better—that you can begin planning for a successful 2022. 

Start Planning 2022’s Goals NOW 

And by that we mean start making these goals concrete. It’s likely that you’ve had some abstract goals in mind for the upcoming year, but with it fast approaching, it’s time to pony up, get real, and start cementing into action what dreams, goals, and ambitions you’ll be chasing down in 2022. 

Sure, it’s great to have a long list of aspirations for the year, but until you create a list of actionable, attainable goals that you’re committed to chasing down, they’re just abstract ideas.

Settle on what you want to achieve—then start going for it. 

Create Actionable, Small Steps to Meet Those Goals 

Those concrete goals we just talked about? Take them one step further and create strategic steps toward reaching them.

Sometimes, setting a yearly goal can be overwhelming—with so much time between now and the end of the year, it can be challenging to figure out what to do and when to do it to really tackle them on time.

Our advice? Work backward. 

You’ve got your big goal ahead of you—now what? 

How can you break down smaller, actionable goals every month, every week, every day to put these ambitions into action?

Refocus on Your WHY

Achieving goals can’t happen in a vacuum—some motivation is sometimes needed. And what better motivation than the WHY behind your barbering ambitions. Before this year’s craziness gets into a rhythm, take a moment to reflect on your own, personal WHY. 

Try to remind yourself what got you into barbering in the first place, why you love it, and why you do it.

This can be a great way to set yourself up for success early on in the year.  

Get Your Insurance Stuff Figured Out ASAP 

The worst thing you can do as a barber? Enter the year totally ready to dominate and then run into an insurance snafu. Nothing can throw your goals, your ambitions, and your progress more off-track than getting caught up in the confusion of a claim filed against you without your insurance policy all figured out. 

In other words, starting your 2022 without your insurance all figured out could lead to a total derail of your entire year. We won’t sit here and try to sell you insurance (although, NAOB has some of the best barbering liability insurance—professional, general, and product—and benefits on the market), but we will highly encourage you to take a good, hard look at your current policy and ask “Is this the right policy to lead me to success in 2022?”

If your answer is anything but a resounding yes, we encourage you maybe reevaluate your insurance as you move into a brand new, exciting year. 

Do you have some 2022 planning advice of your own? Share with us! We’ve got a reply section for a reason, people. If you’ve got advice, insight, or some quick tips for designing a successful year in the barbering industry, share them with your barbering brethren below! 

For more advice, help, and career-boosting insight, make sure you subscribe to NAOB right here, right now!